Golden Letters

So I've been reading the best Sci Fi book in the bible: Revelations. This book is crazier than something M. Night Shamalamadingdong could think up.

The best part? It's all going to happen. I don't know in what sense or how, but it will. So that makes it important for me to read.

As I was reading along, one of the first things that you come to are the letters of God to the seven churches. Since everything seems to be golden in the book of Revelation, I will call these the Golden Letters.

Not so fast, Charlie.

In these letters, Christ is writing to the churches to basically give the a report card on how they are doing. He first tells them, if anything, what they are doing right. He then tells them what they need to improve upon.

I think it's interesting because God wasn't in the mood to blow smoke up their butts. He wasn't in the mood to flatter them and let them know they were doing pretty good. He is direct. He knows that His Church is striving for perfection, not pretty good. I think I would hope a letter from God would leave me feeling warm and fuzzy. And maybe in a weird way this kind of letter would, but even more so, I would know I have room to improve. And these letters aren't long. God is direct and to the point. He says what he needs to say. He doesn't babble.
So the quesiton becomes, what kind of Golden Letter would God write me? How short would it be? I'm going to think about this.
