Numb Butt

Just had a random thought that ended up to have a nice moral teaching to it...

If I sit for too long, my butt gets numb.

I thought to myself, that would be funny to put as deep insight on a blog sometime. Why? Well because it sounds kinda funny, and of course, we all know this to be true. You sit in a chair or in one position for too long, your butt gets numb. Then you try to get up and walk and you kinda wabble around with a tingly butt until finally its normal again.

Then it hit me.... funny statement, but also great metaphor! Inaction leads to apathy. I can sit on my butt all day looking on social media and news websites to read about what is going on in the world: the hurts, struggles, and disasters. As I sit on my butt, it may stir something in me but the longer I sit there and just mine down into the internet abyss the more it just becomes another story about something happening somewhere in the world that is kinda sad. I've become numb.

Isn't this true of our life and faith. If I don't engage into the the world around me, I find myself becoming numb to its cries and concerns. If I don't pray, read Scripture, or engage in worship, my soul numbs itself to guidance and relationship with God. If I get off my butt though and engage into the world, that changes things. It can be awkward or hard at first like when your butt tingles and you wabble out of the chair until feeling is restored. But once that wears off, your back into the game.

The bottom-line: numb butts cause rutts, but engaged bodies can help a lot-y (need to work on that one...)


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