Street of Gold or Jesus?

When I first began to consider a life in ministry as a pastor, one of the things that was presented to me were the benefits of becoming a United Methodist pastor. Before I go any further, let me say this isn't a church bashing blog, but this does provide me with a great metaphor. I love the Methodist church and particularly the one I grew up in. In the past few decades, the Methodist church has seen a decline in membership. They need good pastors to lead a new generation.

So as I said, when I began considering ordination in the church I was presented with all the benefits of becoming a pastor in the UMC. The life and job of a pastor is not an easy one. So I assume to help those pastors, the UMC tried to make life better. How so? Well this is what was told to me...
1. Always guaranteed a job (not the case anymore, thank goodness)
2. Great retirement (Honestly I didn't know what that mean, but those words are suppose to sound good)
3. Good healthcare

I know those are suppose to be things that attract people to the church, but for me it was repelling. For me, it seemed more like a sad excuse to convince me to follow Jesus into ministry. It seemed like I was being told that a life of security awaited me. I hated it.

I don't follow Jesus to be comfortable. I follow Jesus because he's brought me to life. I follow Jesus because the adventure is never easy or safe, but it is always divine and holy. In my honest opinion, those "benefits" scared me to death. They would lull my into a comfortable, non passionate life.

“If Satan can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy.”

I'd like to add an additional replacement for busy there... comfortable.

To switch gears slightly, let me ask this question... Do I follow Jesus to get into Heaven? For many I think this simple question carries a lot of weight. Does the Heaven part of faith lead us to comfort? I'm saved, now what? Does what we do here and now carry weight in the next half of eternity?

We preach "come to Jesus because you'll get Heaven". Should we preach "come to Jesus because he will change your life now". Yes I know it's a small difference, but right now I almost don't want to preach of Heaven for fear that it'll lead us to Hell. I want to fall in love with Jesus, not heaven. I want to fall in love with my Savior, not "streets of gold". I want to make my life count now, not when I reach heaven.

Francis Chan once asked, "If you got to Heaven and there was no Jesus, would you be sad?"

So no, don't tell me about the comforts of benefits that come with following Jesus. I don't think Jesus ever preached about the comforts. He preached of life, forgiveness, and adventure. He preached of moving mountains with faith. And no, let's not preach a gospel of eternal life insurance. Let's preach a gospel of restoration and rescue here and now. And maybe then, when we live here and now for Jesus we will truly understand the Heaven that awaits. As my old pastor once said, "We can't begin to know the Joy of Heaven without experiencing the hell in our lives."

May I live in the pain, adventure, love, forgiveness, and joy of life so I can show Jesus to the world and then one day share in the joy of Heaven with JESUS.
