Defining Moments

There are many moments in our lives that we feel like define us. Sometimes it's those moments when we have to make a tough choice. Sometimes it's when we our hardworks pays off and we the fruit of our labor. Sometimes it's a hige mistake that we make. I think you get the point...

Well I'm watching the biggest loser right now. The largest contestant of all time is on the scale. For his team to win, Arthur needs to lose 13 pounds. So far in the show, he hasn't shown that he's capable of that sort of number. So what does he do?

He loses 20. Blowing away everyone's expectations and winning that week for his team. It was huge. He felt a lot of weight on his shoulders (no pun intended).

For Arthur, it was a defining moment. I know when they do their lookback at the season's end, this moment will be remembered as a defining moment.
When I think about defining moments, I think about the cross. The most defining moment of all defining moments. I mean really, what could be more qualifying than the most important event of all time? Not only did it show us for all eternity who Christ is as our Savior and King, but it also showed us who we are now, children of God.
Easter will be here soon. It's my favorite holiday because it's the most important one there is. I also love this time of year with the spring colors and warmer weather. There is just an energy and excitement that is so contagious. As Easter approaches, I can feel my Spirit becoming excited with anticipation.
