What I'm learning Part I

Ever since I got out of college, a lot has happened. I'm married. I've got a full time job. I've become involved on multiple board of directors. Admittedly, some parts of this new life have been great! Other parts, have been... well... hard.

I'm having to learn and grow up. To be honest, life has usually come fairly easy for me. I was good in school. I was a decent athlete. I had a lot of friends. One of things that I've never felt extremely comfortable with though is leadership. I'm more naturally a wing man. However, I've been put in multiple places of leadership. It's a place that I don't feel comes natural to me, and I've struggled to learn it. The main reason why? Pride.

I never realized how much pride I had, than when life wasn't as easy to come by. I have this notion in my head that if it doesn't come natural to me then I will be able to figure it out. And probably figure it out well. I didn't need help or advice. If I couldn't figure it out, then it was dumb. (I know, real mature.)

I'm coming out of this mentality. As I've experience a little bit of real life, I've been handed a nice slice of humble. It's funny... between the ages of 16-20 you think you know it all. Now I don't feel like I know anything.

I'm learning though. And I figure I better start putting it down somewhere, or I'll forget it.
