
Have I ever mentioned how much I love sunsets? They can bring such peace at the end of any day. The color is so dynamic and creative. To me, it's God's Glory on display. It can shout passion and yet bring a sense of calm all at once. Many times a great sunset can't be put into words. It just leaves you in awe.

With the recent car wreck leaving the whole town of Springdale in a state of darker days, a sunset broke through today that was incredible. I didn't know the girl that passed away nor the other two students that were injured in the accident. As a youth minister, it's been difficult finding the right words for the students I know that knew the girl. I've never lost a close friend, and I know it must be a very difficult and hard time to understand.

Eventhough I've never met her, I've seen her echo throughout the other students. I can tell her life is becoming a uniting force for so many students. From what I hear, she was a wonderful person. A bright example of Jesus Christ. With her loss here on Earth, it seems her presence in Heaven has helped others see whats important in life. How precious and important our time here truly is.

As I drove home tonight, I couldn't help but think the sunset was God's way of showing us his peace and Glory in this whole situation. This girl has caused us all to stop and look around. Her life has reverberated in the hearts of so many of our students. I pray that God continues to bring His grace and peace as so many are in need of healing and peace.
