Drops Like Stars

Last night, I went to Rob Bell's Drops like Stars tour in Kansas City MO. He said a lot of really great things. It's incredible the way the communicated. It a beautifully woven story that always culminates into something simple yet profound. Here where some of my highlighted notes that I really enjoyed:

- Suffering can create seeds for creativity.
"We plot, we plan, we assume things are going to go
A certain way and then they don’t and we find ourselves
In a new place, a place we haven’t been before, a place
We never would have imagined on our own,

And so it was difficult and unexpected and maybe even
Tragic and yet it opened us up and freed us to see
Things in a whole new way

Suffering does that—
It hurts,
But it also creates.

How many of the most significant moments in your
Life came not because it all went right, but because
It all fell apart?

It’s strange how there can be art in the agony…"

- To own something doesn't mean you possess it. We should be more focused on possessing because in that we truly value its existence and purpose rather than owning something. (Made sense last night...)

-Pain has a way of making us honest.

-What every artist must learn is that even the failed pieces matter.

-We have a God who waste nothing.

- Artist we asked to make something out of a bar of soap. (see picture in article below) They each carved away their own ideas. The art of elimination is knowing what to take away in our lives to create our own masterpiece. Maybe we are all given the bar of soap, but out of that bar can come so many different pieces of art.

- Jesus' death on the cross shows us that we are never alone in suffering.

Veritas Magazine - Lifestyles - Writing Is Like Giving Birth: An Exclusive Interview With Rob Bell
